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2024-07-04 04:45:40 [热词] 来源:经纪商官网


The trading hours for crude oil futures are during the day, Sunday to Friday, from 5:00 PM until 4:00 PM Eastern Time. This provides traders with ample opportunities to participate in the market, no matter their location around the world.


The first trading session of the day typically occurs from 5:00 PM to 2:30 AM Eastern Time. During this time, energy traders from around the world are actively engaged in the market. This period is often characterized by high volatility, as market participants closely follow news and events that may impact oil prices.

Trading volume during this time tends to be lower than during other sessions due to the limited participation of US traders, who are not yet active in the market.


The European trading session usually starts at 3:00 AM and lasts until 11:30 AM Eastern Time. This session is marked by increased liquidity, as traders in Europe become active in the market. News and events during this time can have a significant impact on prices, as Europe is a major importer of crude oil.

With high trading volumes and market volatility, this session offers ample opportunities for traders to profit from short-term price movements.


The US trading session starts at 9:00 AM and lasts until 4:00 PM Eastern Time. This period is characterized by the highest liquidity and trading volumes of the day, as US traders become active in the market. Market participants closely follow news and events during this time, as US consumption of oil is a significant driver of market prices.

The high volatility during this session can provide traders with opportunities to profit from short-term price movements. However, it is also important to note that this session is more susceptible to sudden, unexpected price fluctuations that may result from news or events that occur outside of regular business hours.


Overall, the crude oil trading day provides traders with ample opportunities to participate in the market, regardless of their location around the world. Each trading session has its own unique characteristics, with varying levels of liquidity and market volatility. By understanding these characteristics, traders can better position themselves to profit from short-term price movements in crude oil futures.


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